Thursday, March 14, 2013

Theory of Knowledge

                                                       "Starry Night" by Vincent Van Gogh
                To say that nothing is real until you yourself perceives it to be real is weak standpoint, because then that would mean through that premise, logically, everything you believe to be real, is. At one point in time we believed that Earth was at the center of the universe, and so it was until we now believe otherwise. Our perception changed. We learned that our solar system is heliocentric and that the pin holes in the blanket that surrounds the earth is actually the millions of other stars that resemble our own Sun.
               Perception is an ever-changing thing due to advancements in technology, values, speech, and other ways of knowing. This would mean that either that the truth is always changing or that due to our lack of or development of perception we are always learning a better truth. There is no empirical or hypothetical proof that the growth of perception and knowledge among society will ever come to a halt, which insinuates that there is no “absolute truth” that will ever be available to us. 
              The “absolute truth”, if it ever could exist, would only be available to some kind of Supreme Being that can perceive all independent variables, know all outcomes, and truth of all dependent information. This is considered impossible, but due to the validity of the argument, it is also believed to be very probable. In less than 100 years we went from no knowledge of flight travel to space travel. Can you honestly tell me that our species will never learn to enhance their own DNA and become supreme beings of larger perceptions and knowledge?

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